Contact Lenses vs. Glasses: What Are the Differences?

A yellow sign pointing to the options: contact lenses vs glasses.

Are you trying to decide whether to get contact lenses or glasses? It might surprise you that around 93 million US adults are at risk of severe vision loss. That’s why it’s essential to weigh the key differences between the two before deciding. Once you do, you’ll have a new lease on life. Want to […]

Can You Sleep With Contacts In?

A woman laying in bed with her contacts in, her hands covering her eyes.

Almost one-third of contact-wearers admit to falling asleep with their contacts in. Although they are convenient and comfortable to wear during the day, contacts can feel like a nuisance before bed. When you’re already cozied up in the sheets, it can be tempting to neglect your eye care for some quick sleep. Can you sleep with contacts in? […]

What Is the Difference Between Nearsighted and Farsighted?

A young woman is being examined by an optometrist for the difference between nearsightedness and farsightedness.

More than 40% of the United States population needs prescription glasses. It’s estimated that one-third of the world’s population’s nearsighted. It’s more common to be nearsighted than farsighted, but both can lead to further eye complications down the road. However, what’s the difference between nearsighted and farsighted? It’s not uncommon to get the two confused […]

7 Signs You Need to Make an Eye Doctor Appointment

A man is at an eye doctor appointment, looking into a woman's eye.

In the United States, around 93 million adults are at high risk for serious vision loss. Despite this fact, only half of them visited an eye doctor in the past 12 months. Your vision is a huge part of your life and health. Taking it for granted can lead to eye problems and complications. Left […]

7 Reasons to Get Your Yearly Eye Exam

A woman is having her yearly eye exam conducted by an optometrist.

Did you know that only around one in three of us has 20/20 vision without glasses or contact lenses? If you don’t have perfect vision, the right contact lenses or prescription eyeglasses can fix that for you. Many of us will visit the eye doctor if we notice our eyesight is changing, but it’s important […]

What Are the Common Causes of Blurred Vision?

A close-up of a woman's blue eye, highlighting causes of blurred vision.

It’s all too easy to take our eyesight for granted. But did you know that around 93 million adults in the US are at high risk for serious vision loss? Of these people, only around half visited the eye doctor in the last year. Although many of us wear glasses or corrective lenses, we might […]

Why You Need to Book An Eye Exam in Boise

A woman is undergoing an eye exam in Boise by an optometrist.

You can read the small print in books and on your computer screen. You have no problem seeing road signs while you drive. There’s no pain or blurry vision. Your night vision seems perfect. Why would you need to book an eye exam in Boise? Without a vision and eye health checkup, you could be […]

The 9 Common Eye Care Mistakes You Need to Avoid

Eye care chart with carrots and glasses on a wooden table.

Good eyesight is something we all take for granted. We are often so busy with our daily lives that we don’t even stop to consider our vision. But perhaps it is time to start taking better care of your “window to the world”? 20/20 vision is a wonderful gift and we sometimes don’t appreciate it enough. […]

Comprehensive Eye Exam In Nampa

A man is smiling while sitting in front of a comprehensive eye exam machine in Nampa.

Eyes are indeed one of the most delicate parts of human body. The numerous small components of the eyes work intelligently in tandem to ensure its proper function and safety. Why Regular Eye Exams Matter for Vision Health in Nampa For example, its tiny muscles adjust the light that goes into the eye, small glands […]

Comprehensive Eye Exams In Idaho Falls

A man in a white coat is looking at a comprehensive eye exam in Idaho Falls.

Perhaps the most important organ of the body, eyes are the sensory hosts that allow us to witness and perceive the entirety of the surroundings around us. However, like every other part of the human body, our eyes are also prone to many defects and diseases that can hamper the vision. While some of the […]