How to Find the Best Eye Doctor in Boise

Nearly 2.2 billion people experience vision impairment globally. Having vision problems can affect your quality of life. You’re more likely to experience restrictions in your mobility and independence.

What’s more, it increases your risk of falls, injuries, and poor mental health. Luckily, you can still maintain your clear vision and prevent potential eye issues. But first, you have to find the best eye doctor in Boise.

With qualified experts, you can receive the most accurate and up-to-date eye care services. If you need help selecting a reliable eye doctor, below is a guide to help you.

Start With Local Optometrists

To find the best eye doctor in Boise, begin your search with local optometrists. Local professionals are often more accessible, making it easier to schedule regular eye exams. To find a local optometrist in Boise, you can:

  • Use online directories such as All About Vision
  • Look at local business listings such as Yelp
  • Check local newspapers or community bulletin boards
  • Ask for recommendations from friends, family, or your primary care physician

This way you can find an eye dentist with a deeper understanding of your community’s unique eye health needs. As a result, you can get more attentive and tailored care.

Check the Eye Doctor’s Education and Credentials

When looking for an eye doctor in Boise, ensure you check their education and credentials. Doctors with reputable education and credentials are likely to provide a higher quality of care.

To assess their qualifications, start by researching optometry programs in Idaho. Ensure that these programs are accredited by the Accreditation Council on Optometric Education. If your optometrist has received education from this program, they may meet specific standards of quality.

Additionally, find out if the eye doctor has taken the NBEO certification exam. It assures you that the optometrist possesses the necessary knowledge and skills to provide quality eye care.

Look at the Eye Doctor’s Licensure

Unlicensed eye doctors often don’t have the necessary training or expertise to provide safe and effective care. This can cause harm to your eye health.

For your safety, ensure that your eye doctor is licensed to practice optometry in Idaho. To do this, check with the Idaho Board of Optometry. This licensure shows that the doctor meets the state’s requirements for training and competency.

Review the Eye Doctor’s Specialization

Different eye doctors specialize in different areas of treatment. This is why you need to consider the eye doctor’s specialization. Here are some common specializations and their focus areas:


If you are suffering from specific eye conditions and need eye surgery, ophthalmologists can help you. Common eye conditions and diseases that they treat include:

  • Cataracts
  • Glaucoma
  • Diabetic retinopathy
  • Macular degeneration
  • Amblyopia (lazy eye)
  • Astigmatism
  • Retinal detachment
  • Uveitis
  • Refractive errors

Ophthalmologists have at least eight years of additional medical training. This includes a one-year internship and a three-year residency.


Optometrists are primary eye care specialists. They offer comprehensive vision care, including regular eye exams, contact lens fitting, and refractive eye care.

Pediatric Eye Specialists

Pediatric eye specialists specialize in providing medical and surgical eye care for children under the age of 18. They offer treatment in a way that makes kids feel comfortable.

Strabismus Specialists

If you’re an adult with eyes that do not work properly together, opt for a strabismus specialist. They provide comprehensive diagnosis and management for eye motility disorders.

Oculoplastic Surgeons

These surgeons repair damage to or problems with the eyelids. They can also treat cosmetic issues dealing with tissues around the eyes. These include eyebrow lifts and blepharoptosis repairs.

Retina Specialists

Retina specialists diagnose and manage retinal diseases, including macular degeneration. They surgically repair torn and detached retinas. Also, they can treat problems with the vitreous-the gel-like substance in the middle of the eyeball.

To find the right eye doctor, assess your eye issues. This will help you choose an eye doctor who specializes in your specific needs.

Evaluate Years of Experience

Experience matters when it comes to eye care. Look for an eye doctor who has several years of experience in the field of optometry. With more experience, eye doctors become better at diagnosing and managing various eye conditions.

Also, experienced eye doctors are more likely aware of the latest treatments and technologies. These include microinvasive glaucoma surgery and advanced intraocular lenses. With advancements in eye technology, you can get better patient outcomes.

As eye doctors gain experience, they develop better patient care skills. This allows you to access more personalized eye care solutions.

Check Out Patient Reviews

One of the best ways to find the best eye doctor in Boise is through patient reviews. Reading these reviews will give insights on:

  • Bedside Manner: Understand the eye doctor’s interpersonal skills and approach
  • Wait Times: Evaluate the efficiency of the eye clinic
  • Quality of Care: Learn more about the standard of healthcare offered
  • Selection of Eyewear: A good eye doctor should offer a wide range of eyewear options

Reviews help you make an informed decision about which eye doctor to choose. They also give you an idea of what to expect during your visit.

You can get reviews on the eye clinic’s website. For more unbiased reviews, you can visit websites like Yelp, Google Reviews, and the Better Business Bureau (BBB).

Look at the Eye Services Offered

Eye doctors in Boise offer a comprehensive range of services to ensure optimal eye health. These services can help address any eye issues and enhance your vision. Some key offerings eye clinics offer include:

  • Regular Eye Exam: Annual eye exams to help detect any potential issues early on
  • Corrective Lens Prescriptions: If you require prescription glasses or contact lenses
  • LASIK Surgery: For patients considering laser eye surgery
  • Emergency Eye Care: In case of an eye injury or sudden change in vision

Knowing the scope of services helps you gauge the convenience of choosing a particular eye doctor. It ensures that your routine check-ups and prescription needs can be well managed within the chosen practice.

Check to Ensure the Price is Right

Your ideal eye doctor should fall within your price range. There is no point in seeking eye services you can’t afford. Research the cost of eye exams, prescription glasses, and other services at different eye clinics.

Look for discounts and special offers from eye doctors, such as mail-in rebates and loyalty rewards. Some doctors may also offer sliding scales or unique payment plans for patients without insurance.

Consider the quality of service you will get when choosing an eye doctor. While it may be tempting to go for doctors with discounts, keep in mind that low prices may also mean low-quality treatment. It may be worth paying a premium for higher-quality eye services.

Consider Your Insurance Cover

When searching for an eye doctor, consider your insurance coverage. Contact your insurance company to find doctors in your area who are in their network. This can help reduce your out-of-pocket payments.

Also, understand the difference between medical insurance and vision insurance. Find out what services your insurance covers.

Vision insurance usually covers most of the cost of routine eye exams and corrective lenses. However, it may not cover treatment for eye disease. Medical insurance may cover eye care visits for diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases.

Ensure They Use Modern Eye Technology

Eye care solutions have come a long way. The tools and equipment used to treat eye issues have developed hugely. When selecting your eye doctor, ensure they use modern technology.

Some advancements in eye care technology you should look out for are advanced retinal imaging. This equipment eliminates the need for uncomfortable and time-consuming dilation. Clinics with robotic-assisted microsurgery help improve surgical precision.

Eye doctors with modern technologies offer more efficient, accurate, and comfortable care.

Consider Their Level of Availability

Imagine needing quick eye care but you can’t reach your eye doctor. While a busy eye doctor may show high demand and quality service, find a practice that can accommodate your needs promptly. Waiting for an eye appointment isn’t ideal.

Choose an eye doctor who can provide immediate support. Ensure that they can offer appointments at convenient times. They should have the capacity to fit you in when urgent care is needed.

Look for a Welcoming and Professional Eye Doctor

As you search for an eye doctor, ensure you find one with a welcoming and professional atmosphere. Look for an eye care clinic with a warm, friendly environment and supportive staff.

Also, pick an eye doctor who offers personalized care. They should listen to your concerns and answer questions. This will help you choose eye treatment services ideal for your needs.

Additionally, ensure the eye doctor maintains a professional demeanor during consultation.

Get Quality Eye Care the Best Eye Doctor in Boise

Prioritizing your eye health is important. Finding an eye doctor ensures that you receive the care necessary to maintain optimal vision. While the process may take time, the long-term benefits to your eye health are worth the effort.

In your search for the best eye doctor in Boise, consider Eye Pros. We’re committed to providing quality eye care without compromising your health. Get in touch with us to book a consultation.