10 Signs You Need Glasses

Did you know that upwards of 180 million Americans are visually impaired? One of the most well-known signs of visual impairment is finding it difficult to read. Whether it’s a street sign, magazine, or fine print, having trouble deciphering what something says may mean that you’re having eye troubles. Here are 10 other signs you […]
Why Is My Vision Blurry in One Eye? Updated 2024

Do you notice yourself frequently rubbing, squinting, or blinking in an attempt to improve your vision? If you’re experiencing blurry vision in one eye or both, you might attribute it to age or a need for new glasses. However, blurry vision in one or both eyes can also indicate underlying health issues. Prompt treatment of […]
10 Ways to Protect Your Vision

If you think you’re immune to declining vision, think again. It’s estimated that approximately 253 million people have some sort of vision impairment. It’s a fact of life – getting older means more health issues and a greater responsibility to take measures to try and stay healthy. This includes your eyesight. If you’re lucky, your […]
Can You Still Wear Contact Lenses with an Astigmatism?

When you’re not wearing your glasses or contacts, do you see blurring, shadowing, or doubling of images? If so, you may have astigmatism. Astigmatism causes blurriness, unlike other vision problems, affecting your sight regardless of how close or far away the object is. This blurriness results from the retina’s inability to focus on light rays […]
Why You Need to Book An Eye Exam in Boise

You can read the small print in books and on your computer screen. You have no problem seeing road signs while you drive. There’s no pain or blurry vision. Your night vision seems perfect. Why would you need to book an eye exam in Boise? Without a vision and eye health checkup, you could be […]
The 9 Common Eye Care Mistakes You Need to Avoid

Good eyesight is something we all take for granted. We are often so busy with our daily lives that we don’t even stop to consider our vision. But perhaps it is time to start taking better care of your “window to the world”? 20/20 vision is a wonderful gift, and we sometimes don’t appreciate it […]
Comprehensive Eye Exam In Nampa

Eyes are indeed one of the most delicate parts of human body. The numerous small components of the eyes work intelligently in tandem to ensure its proper function and safety. Why Regular Eye Exams Matter for Vision Health in Nampa For example, its tiny muscles adjust the light that goes into the eye, small glands […]
Comprehensive Eye Exams In Idaho Falls

Perhaps the most important organ of the body, eyes are the sensory hosts that allow us to witness and perceive the entirety of the surroundings around us. However, like every other part of the human body, our eyes are also prone to many defects and diseases that can hamper the vision. While some of the […]
The Best Eye Care Center In Idaho Falls

Eye care is an essential part of a healthy routine that has to be kept in check at all times to ensure proper eye health. Problems of the eye have been troubling the human race since the beginning of time, as problems of cataract and myopia have been existent since forever. However, the medical field […]
How Optometrists Detect Eye Problems Early

The need for having regular eye check up has increased considerably in the recent times. The habit of remaining glued to computers, laptops or tablets for long hours have certainly taken their toll on the health of the eyes. The science of optometry has fortunately developed high-end diagnostic equipment over the decades which can detect […]