Glasses or Contacts? 9 Irrefutable Reasons to Switch to Contact Lenses

It seems as though more and more people are wearing glasses or contact lenses. In fact, studies show it’s undeniably on the rise.

Maybe it’s due to the added screen time most Americans enjoy with smartphones, TV and movie streaming, and video games. Regardless, roughly 61% of us need some form of corrective lenses.

Despite the added screen time, people still love going outside and being active. Unfortunately, glasses don’t support a super active lifestyle. While they do take less maintenance than contacts, they also have a lot of downsides.

When trying to decide whether you want glasses or contacts, take a moment to consider all the benefits contact lenses have to offer.

Continue reading for 9 irrefutable reasons why you should be wearing contacts!

1. No Glasses

First and foremost, choosing contacts means you’re not toting glasses around with you wherever you go.

Many people, especially new glasses wearers, tend to set them down and leave them somewhere. This could include losing them in your house or leaving them at a restaurant. It’s also easy to accidentally leave them at home for the day.

Additionally, glasses aren’t the most sturdy of man’s inventions. The lenses can break, crack, or scratch with relatively little pressure or impact. Dropping, stepping on, sitting on, or scraping your glasses could mean needing to replace them.

When trying to decide if you want glasses or contacts, think about how they will affect your day to day life.

2. Eye Color Options

One of the most unique benefits of contact lenses to consider is the option of changing your eye color.

There are some myths out there suggesting colored contacts can lead to a greater risk of eye infections, but they’re not entirely accurate.

If you go to your local Halloween store and buy colored contacts over the counter, yeah, you’re risking potential eye infections. However, if you go to the optometrist and get prescription colored contacts, you have nothing to worry about.

There are some things about colored contacts you’ll want to know about, though, such as care and options.

3. No Fog

One of the biggest complaints from glasses wearers is how the weather affects them.

Basically, glasses fog up either because we are breathing on them or sweating on them. The vapor hits the glasses and turns to condensation on the lenses. This is an especially common problem when it’s cold outside.

While there are specific wipes and other tips to prevent this from happening, there’s really nothing to be done about rain.

When it’s raining, you’re outside, and you’re wearing glasses, expect your vision to be impaired.

4. Support an Active Lifestyle

Simply put, glasses and an active lifestyle don’t really support one another.

Whether you’re playing sports, hiking, jogging, or skiing, glasses are going to be a hassle. While they may fit well, any quick movement or head jerk is going to send them flying.

Additionally, the more active you are, the more likely you are to sweat, leading to more fog on your glasses. Impaired vision is the last thing you want while being active.

5. Overnight Orthokeratology, No Glasses or Contacts During the Day

While you’re generally told you’re not supposed to sleep with your contacts in, there are special corrective lenses to temporarily correct myopia by reshaping your cornea overnight.

Myopia is more commonly known as nearsightedness, and it’s actually the most frequent cause of impaired vision for those who are under 40. In fact, research suggests nearly 25% of people in the world are nearsighted.

The effects of overnight Orthokeratology generally only last for one or two days. However, you don’t need glasses or contacts during those days, and it’s safe to wear Orthokeratology lenses every night.

If you’re wondering if you want glasses or contacts, how about neither? Sleep with corrective contacts in overnight and be glasses and contacts-free throughout the day.

6. Wider Field of View

Wearing contacts instead of glasses gives you a wider, clearer field of view.

Contacts fit around the curvature of your eye, giving you better depth perception and a more natural view.

The frames of glasses also obstruct your vision, not to mention the distortion of what you see through your glasses versus outside of them.

7. Style

Wearing glasses changes your appearance. Some people don’t mind, some people even like the change. Although, there are definitely those who detest their appearance while wearing them.

There’s no denying it, glasses make a big difference. Additionally, while glasses come in all types of unique and quirky styles, they may end up clashing with your outfit. For this reason, many people choose to own several different frames.

Finally, wearing glasses with a strong prescription can make your eyes looked magnified and unnatural. This is not something most people find appealing in themselves.

8. Cost

For most of us, when choosing between glasses or contacts, our first concern is the price.

The average cost of daily disposable contacts including lens cleaner is $300 to $500 a year. It’s a relatively low cost, at a maximum of less than $50 a month.

While many people may argue that glasses are much cheaper at a one-time cost of $300, that doesn’t include any special options many people choose for their glasses. These special features include anti-reflective coating, high-index lenses, progressive lenses, and special or designer frames.

With special features, glasses can cost upwards of $1,000. Additionally, a single accident, such as dropping your glasses, can destroy them. If you consider potential repairs and replacements, wearing glasses can actually end up costing thousands of dollars a year.

9. Security

Choosing contacts over glasses brings a sense of security with it.

First of all, if you leave your glasses somewhere, it means your vision is going to be impaired until you find or replace them. With contacts, you put them in and forget about them. Sure, you can forget to put them in in the morning, but that’s a quick fix.

Additionally, contacts aren’t susceptible to being broken in everyday life. You don’t have to worry about sitting on them or moving your head too fast.

Despite a little more maintenance, contacts are just much more convenient than glasses.

Find the Best Solution for You

No single person is the same. Similarly, glasses or contacts, no single person’s eyes are the same. Our doctors at Eye Pros are experts and professionals in their field and are here to help you find your needs.

If you already know your corrective vision needs, you can order from us directly online. However, if you know you need contacts lenses but aren’t sure what specifications are right for you, schedule an appointment today!