Signs and Symptoms That You Require an Eye Exam in Boise

Over 12 million Americans aged 40+ suffer from vision impairment. Vision impairment can hugely impact your independence and quality of life.

If you live in Boise, maintaining optimal eye health is essential for a vibrant and active lifestyle. One of the fundamental steps in protecting your vision is regular eye exams. These exams often uncover underlying eye conditions that may otherwise go unnoticed.

Recognizing the signs and symptoms that you need an eye exam can help you take proactive steps towards preserving your vision. Below are indicators that should prompt you to schedule your next eye exam in Boise.

The Importance of Eye Exams in Boise

Eye exams are not just about getting a new prescription for glasses or contacts. They play a vital role in maintaining your eye health. Let’s delve into why eye exams in Boise are good for you.

Detect Vision Problems Early

Some eye conditions such as glaucoma often develop without any noticeable symptoms. Getting an eye exam can help you detect vision problems early. You can catch these issues before they progress, allowing for timely treatment.

Monitor Eye Health

If you have systemic health issues like diabetes, regular monitoring of eye health is essential. For example, diabetes can lead to diabetic retinopathy. A routine eye can prevent potential complications, allowing you to maintain optimal vision.

Update Prescriptions for Visual Clarity

Your eyes change over time. As a result, having an outdated prescription can lead to eye strain and even worsened vision.

If you rely on corrective lenses, regular eye exams are essential for updating prescriptions. This will allow you to see the world clearly and comfortably.

Access Specialized Care and Treatment

Each person’s eye health needs are unique. Eye exams will allow optometrists in Boise to tailor treatment plans to meet your specific needs.

Signs and Symptoms That You Need an Eye Exam in Boise

Eye problems can be corrected if noticed early. Here are signs that you may need to book an eye exam in Boise.

You Have Red or Itchy Eyes

One of the most common signs that you need an eye exam is red or itchy eyes. While occasional redness or itchiness may be due to allergies or fatigue, persistent symptoms can signify an underlying eye condition.

These symptoms can be linked to dry eye syndrome or pink eye. Luckily, you can manage these conditions with a proper diagnosis and treatment.

You Have Watery Eyes

Boise’s climate is often dry. As a result, environmental factors like wind and dust can cause you to experience increased tear production as a protective mechanism.

However, persistent watery eyes warrant an eye exam in Boise. It may be a sign of eye conditions such as blocked tear ducts or conjunctivitis. Going for an eye exam can help you identify the root cause of watery eyes and determine the appropriate treatment.

You Experience Eye Turning

Also known as strabismus, eye turning is a condition where the eyes do not align properly. You may notice that one or both eyes turn inward, outward, upward, or downward. This can lead to double vision.

Having strabismus may affect your depth perception. If left untreated, it may also result in vision problems or amblyopia (lazy eye). An eye exam can help you diagnose strabismus early and implement suitable interventions.

You Experience Excessive Blinking or Eye-Rubbing

With the prevalence of digital devices, screen time has become prevalent. If you spend prolonged hours on digital screens, you may experience frequent blinking or rubbing of the eyes. It may be a sign of eye fatigue or strain.

These habits may signal the need for a comprehensive eye exam to assess your visual health. Your eye doctor in Boise can recommend strategies to reduce eye strain for optimal comfort.

You Have to Deal With Squinting or Covering One Eye

Squinting or covering one eye while focusing on objects can be a sign of refractive errors such as nearsightedness or astigmatism. These behaviors may be common among children as they struggle to see clearly. An eye exam in Boise can accurately diagnose these conditions and provide tailored solutions.

You Have Frustration With Learning and a Short Attention Span

In children, frustration with learning or a short attention span may be due to undiagnosed vision problems. Issues like amblyopia (lazy eye) can affect your child’s ability to concentrate and learn well.

Scheduling a comprehensive eye exam in Boise for your child can help identify any vision issues early. This helps ensure they get optimal pediatric eye care.

You Experience Light Sensitivity

Light sensitivity or photophobia can be signs of underlying vision problems. These symptoms may indicate conditions like:

  • Eye infections
  • Corneal abrasions
  • Cataracts

These issues can impact your visual comfort and clarity. An eye exam in Boise can help you pinpoint the cause of these issues and get recommendations on suitable corrective measures.

You Have Eye Pain

Eye pain can stem from various sources, including injuries or underlying conditions such as uveitis. Prompt evaluation through an eye exam is essential to determine the cause of eye pain. Once identified, you can start appropriate treatment to alleviate discomfort.

You Experience Floaters and Flashes

In case you experience floaters and flashes in your vision, do not ignore them. Floaters are specks that drift across your field of vision, while flashes appear as flickering lights. These symptoms may be signs of vitreous detachment or retinal tears.

If left untreated, they may lead to retinal detachment-a sight-threatening condition. An eye exam in Boise allows for a thorough evaluation of your retina and vitreous. It ensures you detect any abnormalities early detection and get timely treatment.

You Experience Changes in the Field of Vision

Do you experience changes in the field of vision, such as blind spots or peripheral vision loss?

It can be a sign of underlying eye conditions, including glaucoma or retinal disorders. These changes may occur gradually over time, making them easy to overlook.

Scheduling an eye exam with comprehensive visual field testing can detect any subtle changes in your vision. This allows you to manage any eye issues before they get worse.

You Only See Dull Colors

If you notice a dulling or fading of colors in your vision, it may indicate color vision deficiency. You may also have underlying eye conditions such as cataracts or optic nerve disorders. An eye exam can assess your color vision and detect any abnormalities.

You Have Blurry Vision

Do you have blurry vision?

Common causes of blurry vision include refractive errors. It may also be due to eye conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, and dry eye. Other potential causes of blurry vision can be related to issues like a detached retina or transient ischemic attack (TIA).

When you have blurry vision, ensure you seek an eye exam as soon as possible. It will help you get an accurate diagnosis and receive appropriate treatment to restore clear vision.

You Have Trouble Reading or Writing

If you experience difficulty reading or writing, you should get an eye exam. Issues such as skipping lines, losing place, or frequent errors can be a sign of vision issues such as convergence insufficiency.

An eye exam in Boise can help evaluate visual function. The eye care experts will also prescribe vision treatments to enhance your reading and writing abilities.

You Have Trouble Driving at Night

Night driving can be a challenge if you have poor vision. Difficulty seeing road signs, pedestrians, or other vehicles at night may indicate vision problems.

An eye exam in Boise with night-time vision testing can assess your visual acuity. You can also get recommendations to improve your night driving safety.

You Experience Uncontrolled Eye Movement

Involuntary eye movements, such as nystagmus, can interfere with visual acuity and coordination. These movements may occur spontaneously or in response to specific stimuli. They can be a sign of underlying neurological or vestibular conditions.

An eye exam can evaluate ocular motility. This will help you identify any underlying neurological or ophthalmic conditions contributing to your uncontrolled eye movement.

Recommended Frequency for Eye Exams in Boise

While eye exam schedules may vary depending on individual cases, optometrists offer a general guideline for different age brackets. Let’s look at the overview of frequency recommendations for eye exams.


Children should have their first comprehensive eye exam at the age of 3. After that, they should have regular pediatric eye exams every 1-2 years thereafter or as recommended by their optician.


For adults aged 18-64, it is generally recommended to have an eye exam every 2 years. However, more frequent eye exams are necessary if you have risk factors such as diabetes or a family history of eye diseases.


Seniors aged 65 and older should have annual eye exams to monitor and maintain their eye health.

Get a Comprehensive Eye Exam in Boise, Idaho

Regular eye exams in Boise are essential for maintaining good eye health. When you recognize the signs that warrant an eye exam, you can take proactive steps to address potential vision problems.

Ready to see the world with clarity and confidence? Experience the difference with Eye Pros in Boise, Idaho! With state-of-the-art technology and personalized care, we’re here to help you see without compromise.

Reach out to us to book an eye exam in Boise today.