Utah’s Guide to Eye Health: Best Vitamins and Nutrients

Too many of us take our bodies and particularly our eyesight for granted, using them every day without much forethought. That’s until we are in a situation where we lose our health and vision for some reason.

In some cases, vision loss or degradation is beyond our control. It could be genetic or due to a car accident.

But in most cases, you can improve the quality of your vision and your eye health by eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly. You can take certain eye vitamins as supplements or eat foods that contain them. Consuming these regularly can prevent eye disease and allow you to live a quality life well into your 80s and 90s.

Keep reading to find out more about what the best vitamin for the eyes is.

Vitamin A

You have probably heard of the healing effects of Vitamin A on vision. It’s one of those vitamins for the eyes that you cannot do without if you are trying to heal eye problems.

And it’s not that hard to add to your diet. It’s found in many typical foods Americans consume, like carrots, cantaloupes, mangoes, sweet potatoes, and black-eyed peas.

Anything that has that orangey tinge to it will contain carotenoids that are great for eye health. That’s one reason why nutritionists and health gurus are always recommending that “we eat the rainbow.” When you bring foods of all colors into your daily diet, you can garner a wide variety of nutrients and vitamins easily.

Pro tip: Carry baby carrots around with you in your purse or backpack as an easy snack to munch on while you are commuting or waiting for appointments.

Lutein and Zeaxanthin

These are two other carotenoids that are extremely beneficial to eye health. You might have seen Lutein supplements in the big box stores that you visited.

But you don’t necessarily have to take Lutein and Zeaxanthin in supplement form. If you eat a lot of green, leafy vegetables like spinach and kale, then you will get an outstanding supply of these nutrients in your diet.

Unfortunately, too many Americans don’t consume any green leafy vegetables in their diet or do not have enough of them. If that’s the case, then supplementing is the only way you are going to get these essential eye vitamins in your diet.

The great thing about Lutein supplements is that they can also protect your eyes from blue light exposure. This is the harsh light that our eyes are constantly exposed to when we sit for long hours on our laptops or desktop computer, tablets, or smartphones. Taking Lutein protects your eyes from this and can ensure you don’t suffer from eye strain.

Pro tip: Cooking green leafy vegetables releases much more Lutein than consuming raw vegetables.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

No matter what ailment you are suffering from, be it heart disease or cholesterol issues, or eye problems, Omega-3 fatty acids are considered the holy grail of all nutrients. You need to add this essential supplement to your diet, no matter if you are suffering from eye disease or not.

Omega-3 fatty acids protect your eyes from degradation and also relieve inflammation which can cause cataracts, glaucoma, and dry eye syndrome.

It’s easy to get your daily dosage of this essential nutrient if you eat cold-water fish in your diet, like mackerel, salmon, sardines, anchovies, and herrings.

Don’t like the taste of fish? Then consider taking an Omega-3 fatty acid supplement daily.

Pro tip: Make sure your Omega-3 supplement contains both DHA and EPA at high concentrations.


Daily activity and life produce inordinate amounts of free radicals in our bodies and our eyes. This can result in a degradation of retinal function. That’s why Zinc is such a useful supplement to take because it’s an antioxidant that can fight free radical formation.

The most delicious way to get Zinc in your diet is by eating lots of shellfish, especially oysters. But you can also get it from red meat, nuts, seeds, and legumes.

Pro tip: Add pumpkin seeds to your salad and morning cereal as they are a high source of Zinc.

Vitamin C

Another antioxidant vitamin that prevents free radical damage in our cells, Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that you need to add to your diet.

And it’s easy to eat tons of Vitamin C. You can take it in by eating citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, or tomatoes.

The thing to remember about Vitamin C is that it’s a water-soluble vitamin, which means that you will pee it out when you consume too much of it at one time. To ensure your body has a steady source of Vitamin C, you need to consume Vitamin C in small amounts throughout the day.

Pro tip: Guavas have more Vitamin C than oranges, so consume this tropical fruit instead if you can find it in your local grocery store.

Vitamin E

Similar to Vitamin C, Vitamin E is an antioxidant eye vitamin, which can prevent retinal aging. It’s found in a wide variety of foods, like safflower oil, grapeseed oil, trout, nuts, seeds, and avocados.

Pro tip: Adding nuts and seeds to your morning cereal or salad is a great way to get tons of Vitamin E into your diet.

Eye Vitamins to Consume Daily for Eye Health

Taking in the best eye vitamins is a great way to conduct preventative care for your eyes. But what if your eye health is already degraded enough that it needs additional support?

Well, you can contact our eye care clinic then. We are eye doctors in Logan, Utah ready to help you heal any eye problems you might have or address any eye concerns at all.