Good eyesight is something we all take for granted. We are often so busy with our daily lives that we don’t even stop to consider our vision. But perhaps it is time to start taking better care of your “window to the world”? 20/20 vision is a wonderful gift and we sometimes don’t appreciate it enough. It is not until our vision fails that most of us begin to take heed of our approach to our eye health. With a little effort, we can all take better care of our eyes and of our precious vision. Prevention is always better than cure, and this is particularly the case when it comes to problems with our eyesight. Are you making any of the common eye care mistakes?
Rubbing and Touching Your Eyes
Our eyes can get itchy or feel irritated just as much as any other part of our body. But care must be taken when dealing with this sensitive area. The first step in good eye care is to limit the number of times you touch your eyes. And always ensure that your fingers are clean and grime-free. If your eye is itching, rub it gently with the eyelid closed. If itchiness persists, see your doctor or healthcare professional. Conditions such as styes can cause irritation to our eyes.
Expired Drops and Solutions
Read that label before using eye drops or solutions. Never put an expired product into your eyes. If a product is expired it is no longer at its premium. Check your medicine cabinet and throw away any expired drops, solutions, or lenses. Your eyes deserve to be treated with products which will help you, not potentially harm you. If you are purchasing the drops directly from a store, read the use-by date. Some stores do not regularly rotate their products and the item you buy may be close to expiry.
Non-Prescribed Eye Drops
Do you regularly use off-the-shelf eye drops or solutions? Perhaps you work in front of a computer all day and suffer from red or itchy eyes. But have you spoken with an eye care professional about your continued use of the product? It can be all too easy to become accustomed to using store-bought eye drops on a regular basis. The chemicals contained in the products may help with redness or itchiness, but in the long term, they may cause harm. Check with your eye care professional about your continued use of non-prescribed eye drops. They may be able to offer you an alternative.
Sleeping In Contact Lenses
You may be looking away guiltily as you read that headline. Do you sometimes wear your contact lenses while you sleep? Or do you even do it regularly? You can wear contact lenses throughout the day and evening. You can take short naps while wearing. But do not wear your contact lenses through the night as you sleep. Wearing contact lenses while you sleep deprives your cornea of oxygen. This can cause bacteria to form and may create an infection.
General Health Check Ups
Failing eyesight is not always directly related to problems with your eyes. Deteriorating vision can be a symptom of other types of illness or disease. A physician can determine if your vision issues are related to a medical condition. Speak with your doctor during your regular health checkup if you notice signs of failing eyesight. He may direct you to your eye care specialist, but it is advisable that you tell him of the issue.
Overuse of Technology
The use of computers and other electronic devices is an accepted part of our daily lives. In many cases, these devices are an essential component of your profession. If it is necessary for you to use electronics throughout your day ensure you take regular breaks. Get up and walk away from the screen. Perform simple eye exercises such as rapid blinking. Whenever you can, limit the use of electronics as part of your eye care regime.
Eye Protection
The sun’s UV rays can harm our eyes as well as our skin. Sunglasses should be worn if you are working or playing outdoors. The harmful rays can even reach you while you are driving. Choose a good quality pair of sunglasses with a high UV rating. Select glasses with adequate coverage. Wrap around sunglasses is ideal. Wearing a peaked hat while outdoors is also recommended. Anything you can do to protect your eyes from the sun will help with your overall eye health.
Removing Eye Makeup
Makeup as a factor in poor eye care is often overlooked. We assume that the mascara or eyeshadow we use is not harmful to our eyes. In most cases, this is true. But sleeping in your eye makeup, or not removing it properly, can clog the tiny glands around your eyes. This can cause irritation, redness, or styes. Remove your eye makeup before retiring for the night.
Eyeliner On Your Waterline
The waterline is the thin band of skin just inside your eyelashes. This area is flushed with tears, a natural component of your eyes functions. Applying eyeliner to this area, while it may look attractive, can lead to tiny particles of makeup getting washed into your eye. If you wear contact lenses the makeup particles can cause irritation or soreness. If you are not a contact lens wearer, the particles can still carry infection. Limit your usage of eyeliner on the waterline, even if you can’t give it up completely. Your eyes will thank you for it.
Have Regular Eye Exams
When was the last time you booked an eye exam? Your optometrist is a trained professional when it comes to eye care. If you suspect that your eyesight is failing book an appointment to see your eye specialist. Early attention to eyesight problems can ensure you receive the right treatment in a timely manner. Eyeglasses or contact lenses may be prescribed if your vision is impaired. Dr. Kofoed and his team are The Eye Pros. Their practice offers eyeglasses and contact lenses, eye exams, and eye checkups. Take care of your eyes. The world is a beautiful place and you’d hate to lose sight of it.